Kim and I participated in the four mile walk last Sunday (4-19) that started at Crissy Field then went across the Golden Gate Bridge and back. We were pansies and turned around at the bridge =p , only because we had prior engagements. It was barely 11 in the morning and it felt like 90 degrees out there. Very unusual for SF.

It's funny how much attention my new camera attracts. Multiple people asked me if I was a professional photographer. LOL!!!!! I owe it all to the MB-80 extended battery pack. Thanks for convincing me Vince.

BTW, taking pictures with my bulky camera set on AE-AF Lock is not as easy as it looks.

And for the pic of the day; not because of its composition or anything artistic, but how the picture lead up to the way it did. I saw a beagle, his owner and a young girl playing with the dog. The girl asked if I was a "professional cameraman" and told her "No," but offered to take a pic of her and the dog. She liked the dog, so I snapped away.
She went back to her Mom, who was also there for the walk, and I approached the girl to ask for her email so I can send the pic. Completely innocent, yet can be taken wayyyyyyyyy out of context. The Mom was standing nearby, heard me asking, and told her daughter, "Hey, why are you giving away your email address????"
Holy crap did I feel like a pedophile. I swore Chris Hansen from Dateline was going to come out and arrest me or the dude from the show "What would you do?" was going to interview me afterwards.
Thank goodness Kim's intuition kicked into high gear and knew her Mom was going to spaz out. She was right behind me and alleviated the situation. Thanks Babe!
Without further ado, I present to you: "The Picture that I Almost Went to Jail For"